I tried the same :p And then searched for why it didnt work which led me here.
#Portal reloaded puzzle 10 mod#
I know most of this comment is me complaining about that one chamber, but the rest of the mod is genuinely fun, and I definitely recommend it! This is one of the solutions that seem unintended, but I don't see a way to solve that chamber without being able to place a time portal, and making you walk through the forcefield at the end in order to be able to go back and actually solve the puzzle is just stupid. Only then could I solve the puzzle by getting a cube to the end to open the door with. What allowed me to place time portals again, and make the chamber solve-able, was going through the chamber's exit forcefield right before the closed door. You can pass through them just fine, your portals don't reset and your objects don't get destroyed. I don't know if the forcefields were ever explained and I just missed it, but they seem completely useless. The second issue was that I could not place a time portal anywhere other than in a tiny closed off room, the one where you have to pass through a forcefield to get into. This was done for seemingly no reason, and it was a frustrating experience, as I was trying to find the solution to a practically impossible puzzle, and then by pure frustration I fire a portal onto that key surface and it reveals that it was portal-able all along and the mod just deceived me for no reason. The first one being that one of the portal-able surfaces, essential to the puzzle, was in a much darker color than the rest of the portal-able surfaces in the room, and gave the impression that it was un-portal-able. On the other hand, though, chamber 17 was very frustrating, because of two issues (spoilers for the chamber): I feel like I completed most of the chambers in an unintended way (you can bypass all the laser doors in the final chamber, for instance), but that freedom is great, and the game even acknowledges after one chamber that my solution was not the intended one, so that was pretty neat! Went in with low expectations but ended up having a great time!