Some women may prefer the “artificial look” and want to look like they have implants – this is the minority of my patients. Some women, however, feel that the results produced with round implants appear artificial, so they seek out more natural-looking alternatives (anatomical or “teardrop” implant)*. All of these situations have nothing to do with the implant shape – it has to do with filling the breast envelope with too large an implant, or overfilling the implant itself, both situations of which will cause distortion and produce an unnatural breast with a very high, rounded look on top. If a saline implant is used and it is overfilled, then the same result will occur. It has absolutely nothing to do with the shape of the implant itself.
If you have a breast that is small, with a tight skin envelope such as a young woman who never had children, then any implant, round or teardrop, will tend to give a very full, high, unnatural look especially if the implant is too large for that breast. Many women choose round implants because they believe that round implants tend to provide the greatest amount of lift, fullness, and cleavage. If a round implant is turned, it is still round. Round implants are easier for the surgeon to work with. Of the two breast implant shapes, the round breast implant is the most common type used by most plastic surgeons for breast augmentation. Next I will address profile and surface (smooth versus textured). Let’s discuss the difference in shape, round versus teardrop first.

Breasts differ greatly from woman to woman, so the ideal breast implant shape for each patient must be determined with care. The two basic breast implant shapes are round and teardrop. When choosing breast implants, shape is an important consideration. Currently, both saline implants as well as silicone gel implants are available in round (Allergan Natrelle, Mentor, Sientra) and anatomical shapes (Sientra). The anatomical implants are also known as teardrop implants. Implants come in basically two shapes, round and anatomical. Non-Surgical Hair Restoration In Hauppauge NY.VASER/PAL Hi-Definition Lipo-Abdominoplasty.4D Vaser/PAL Hi-Definition Liposuction For Men.4D VASER/PAL Hi-Definition Liposuction (Liposculpture).Explantation (Removal Of Implants Without Replacement).